Saturday, December 31, 2005
The desire to attend a worship service has intensified over the last few days. Eye need to be in the company of a rejoiceful energy this evening. Eye feel so hopeful about the prospects of another documented "fresh start".
Friday, December 30, 2005
::Nia! (Purpose)
For Ujamaa, we patronized one of the popular soul-food eateries in town. Harpers- to be exact. The restaurant is owned by one of Nashville's career congresswomen (Thelma Harper) and her husband, who won a discrimination suit against BP some years back. The restaurant is located on the historic and recently rejuvenated Jefferson Street between the campuses of Fisk University, Meharry Medical College, and Tennessee State University (my alma mater). Three vegetable plates proved for the first time to not be sufficeint for the appetites of our growing family, so eye ate light so that everyone else could fill their bellies. Eye was mostly there for the event anyway, so it didn't affect me all that much. Plus, you know that macaronicheese & overcooked greens don't really fit into the wholistic diet. But it was tasty! Magnificent took to the turnip greens; Kana the cherry cobbler; Zeke the green beans; and Kush showed no particular bias. Dwight seemed to clear his plate in one bite. Ujamaa at it's finest!
My husband & eye were even noticing how Ujamaa was reflected on David Letterman last night when this year's Heisman recipient, Reggie Bush came out to read the night's Top Ten list (perks of Winning the Heisman Trophy), wearing Sean Jean. That's pimpin', Sean!
We're now preparing to go to a birthday party this afternoon. We never have been the type of parents to spend a million bucks for the commercial kid-go-crazy-buck wild-fun centers (i.e. Chuck E. Cheeses, Showbiz Pizza, Circus World). No discrimination against those that do, but it's just not our idea of a personal earthday celebration. Something feels so wrong about spending what should be an intimate moment in the company of a crowd of strangers. Thanks to good friends who continue to invite us to share in their b-day outings, our seeds will spend the afternoon running senselessly, which should set the mood for a quiet night of rest. How thankful eye would be for a quiet night!
Eye finally finished my "Year End" list for Urbansmarts. Eye missed the deadline last year & quite frankly thought eye had for 2005, when a letter appeared up in my box requesting my last-minute contribution. It's always a blessing to be thought of in times like these. Thanks again, Tadah. Look for a link later-on...
All praise to the creator for purpose & the wisdom to recognize. Are you aware of your purpose as you plot this wayward journey? Or are you wandering aimlessly in pursuit?
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Why am eye even awake at 1:30 a.m? Had eye simply followed my body's orders, the hogs would be gathered around by now. But instead, here eye sit, in my office, fighting back tears. Just moments ago, as eye tiptoed through the pitch-black kitchen on my way upstairs, eye suddenly tripped and at once found myself flying across the length of the room without a wingspan.
As always, the first instinct is to look down to find the culprit. And owl be (Southern dialect)! That darn libation plant was still in the middle of the floor from earlier in the night when our oldest son proudly poured his heart out to his ancestors along with the pure, crystal liquid.
It almost feels blasphemous to harbor anger about the moment when eye may have broken my toe, since the beautiful greenery was left in the center of the room by way of a (w)hol(l)y experience. But, shoot...That hurt like hell! Seems the demons needed their fair share of attention, too.
Well, they [do not exist] are not going to stop me from working through this night. It is imperative that the Oriana lee MySpace Music Page be up and running in the next days. Eye am anxious to start sharing sound flavor from the EP. Eye don't plan to add friends to that space, but only utilize it for the MP3 capabilities - via my current page. Hopefully, all will coordinate to make this a reality by the 1st.
One love!
On the verge of sleep. On the verge on work. All at once.
This day has been most productive. This day was most exhausting. All at once.
Currently listening to the Oriana lee EP. Currently listening to the local Watson's Spa Commercial. All at once.
Anticipating my dreams. Dreading my mares. All at once.
::Ujima (Collective work & responsibility)
We started our morning with the intention to light our candles, but were prevented due to faulty homemade kinara cups. Somewhere in the molding and baking process, a few of them came loose and left red & green candles laying to the side. Oh well, we kept it moving...
We went on to thoroughly clean our school following a discussion about the importance of working together & being responsible for our selves. During that activity, we decided that we should spend a portion of our day gathering Magnificent's gently used baby items & preparing them for give-away. The proud recipients : Nashville Rescue Mission. Kana has been wanting to "help the homeless" for the past two holiday season's. She put in her bid once again this year and won. Our daughter is such a wonderful being.
Word came today that the "Oriana lee EP" will be distributed in Japan in the upcoming months. Who? (You might ask.) Wouldn't you like to know. Well, let's just say that until the check clears, eye would rather sit on that info. You all know good & well how things tend to change up in this business. But when all is definitive, you will be the first to read the news - right here. Word up!
Monday, December 26, 2005
Habari gani? (What's the news?)
::Umoja! (Unity!)
Happy Kwanzaa, beautiful people. Peace to you & yours. We spent the morning painting the zawadi (gifts) for our family & friends. This year we crafted everyone a homemade kinara (candleholder) for the seven candles (red, black & green) that represent the Nguzo Saba (Seven Principles). Again, today we celebrate unity. It's fulfilling to come together as a unit for the sake of enriching the lives of others. The children were very proud of their contributions. Can't say we (the KING & eye) did not benefit, as well.
In my short-lived, long pursuit of happiness, it seems that some days breed more insecurity than others. The holidays, with all the good cheer & spirit, also contribute to anxiety that causes me not to enjoy certain moments due to the gastric problems surrounding this ulcer. For hours at a time, my stomach bubbles like seltzer water. It handicaps me to a degree, forcing me to sit still or either pay the price for trying to be up in the mix. It's amazing what too much stress will do to your body...well, your mind & spirit, too. Don't get it twisted.
"I know you see me shinin', but it ain't all glamorous."
Sunday, December 25, 2005
1. Now Behold The Lamb/ Various Artists
2. Closer (Bonus Track)/ Count Bass D
3. The Lord Is Back/ Eugene Mcdaniels
4. I Love The Lord, He Heard Me Cry (parts I & II)/ Donny Hathaway
5. The Battle Is The Lord's/ Yolanda Adams
6. What Price/ Oleta Adams
7. Brokenhearted/ Kirk Franklin
8. Lord Help Me/ Donny Hathaway
9. I Know Who Holds Tomorrow/ Kelly Price
10. Holy Is The Lamb/ Oleta Adams
11. I Will Love You/ Oleta Adams
12. If You're Willing/ Oleta Adams
13. Victory/ Various Artists
14. I L-O-V-E U/ Take 6
15. He Reigns (The Medley)/ Various Artists
16. Lord I Believe/ The Winans
17. Finders Keepers/ The Winans
18. Time After Time (The Savior Is Waiting)/ Take 6
19. God Is Love/Marvin Gaye
20. Come And Walk With Me/ Oleta Adams
21. Let Us Worship Him/ Yolanda Adams
22. Come Unto Me/ Take 6
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Just yesterday, it came to me to refer to myself as old - finally. It has become a fairly regular occurrence to suddenly admit this little known fact. When you see artists on MTV that you see fit to mention as, "Thin Slug" on MTV, you know you have an aging problem.
**Names have been changed to better suit the original purpose of the post
Friday, December 23, 2005
If you think that somebody in this United States of America is not making big bucks on this day, then you just carry yourself on down to your local mall, Wal-mart, Target and get a feel for what eye am sayin'. Xmas falls on the weekend. And you know how we love to shop on the weekends. That's what those breaks in the work week are for, right? Not to rest; but to spend up that check. Word up!
Seeing as how eye am my own boss, perhaps eye should take myself to task about not having a check to blow. My spending cheer will go to keeping our vehicle in our possession (carnote due) and the rest to candles for the Kinara(s) that we'll be making tomorrow as a family project.
Magnificent recently broke the heirloom piece that Dwight made for our first Kwanzaa celebration 5 years ago, so we'll be making a new one for our household. We're also going to design several for our other family members, which will be our holiday contribution - in gift form. We started making our "love offerings" in 1999 and have followed the tradition ever since. We don't make any big purchases in the name of the "season, but we do create wonderful pieces worth a lifetime of love. The children so value the experience, and it gives them great joy to use their artistic talents to delight their relatives. Eye am getting so excited just typing about it!
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Just a few hours ago, eye did an interview for Synthesis Magazine. Good looks, Corey!
Interviews are really good for gathering your thoughts and ideas as you would have them represent you eternally. Where casual one-on-one questioning sometimes lends itself to babble and brainstorm, knowing that the entire world will potentially read your careless drunken babble will clean it all up real quick. Word up!
Speaking of glossies, Susan Taylor seemed to basically vanish from the pages of Essence Magazine almost immediately following the buyout/merger . Eye have yet to hear anyone address this, but a few months ago (following the announcement) she wrote an editorial assuring readers that her role in the company would not change and neither would the format. Well, so much for the first promise. That's the business. Ya heard! " the bone." We wish her well in her future endeavors. Essence can't possibly capture it's own without her contribution.
Yesterday, she expressed to me that she sometimes feels left out because we don't celebrate Christmas (Solstice) or other Pagan-based holidays (i.e. St. Valentines's Day, All Hallow's Eve). We happened to be at the post office, where the line stretched out the door with patrons hugging last-minute presents for their friends and loved ones. She remarked that everyone seemed "so happy" and in her mind, attributed their joy to the boxes in their arms.
My first instinct was to remind her of the undermining ploy to raise U.S. economics. But, she knows that stance all too well already. We address advertising and marketing strategies on a regular basis, so it just didn't seem to me that repeating myself would drive home the point. Not like it should.
What eye ultimately decided to present was a perspective that reassured her that we (our little family) are as much a part of this festive season as anyone else. That just because we do not participate in X-mas shopping and that the box in our company was stuffed with 25 packages fit for the stocking - but being mailed with the intention of promoting Something To Cope - she musn't consider herself an outsider.
Eye reminded her first that long-lasting gifts are intangible. Then, eye explained that she should feel proud of the fact that she truly evokes the spirit of the holiday season in a way that most grown-ups fail to ever grasp. It was imperative that she know that while spending your paper money on another individual may show favor and appreciation to a degree, it's the way you treat people that lasts over time. To buy a new "something" for "someone" signifies only that we are willing to share with another outwardly. Yes, the purchase may indeed stem from a place occupied by love, but if the behavior of the actual individual does not reflect a loving-posture in times when they are not giving, then the gift will eventually be reduced to just another "something" that "someone" gave.
Say a philanthropist gives a hard-working disadvantaged black youth a million dollars to get out of the ghetto, hoping that they will take the money and carve out a better path for themselves. The only commitment requested of the individual is that they maintain supporting contact with the giver and always threats them in a loving and respectful manner. For some strange reason, everytime the youth comes in contact with the "good Samaritan" and attempts to fulfill their agreement, the gift-giver engage them in a condescending manner. They may yell at them when they feel that the money isn't being properly spent. They might ignore their calls or worse, intentionally hang the phone up in the middle of a conversation that they dislike. They might even begin to break appointments and sabotage all attempts for the youth to maintain proper contact.
Now some might argue that the youth should just be so grateful to get the duckets, that it shouldn't matter how the patron treat them. The youth has an opportunity to succeed in a world where the odds have always been against them. And that makes a tiny bit of sense if your perspective in shaped by money. Just so happens that my perspective is usually more wholistic, believing that mind, spirit, and body are the true indicators of whether any particular situation is successful or not.
All praise to THE CREATOR.
What happens to the mind of a young black disadvantaged youth treated so disrespectfully? What does yelling do to a person's spirit? How does remaining in a monetarily generous relationship affect an individual's health if their mind is unhealthy because of it? It is my belief that all things work together for the greater good, but that all too can work dissonantly to the greater demise of any person.
It is my desire that we as a people break the spending cycle and really do hone in on what it means to give - really. What we "give" a person to feed their spirit is firm nourishment that continues to multiply beyond that of a price tag, that which tends to devalue over time. This year, my goal is to be a part of the festivities only as much as it feeds the spirit - be that me to another or to my advantage. There is not a single purchase they eye feel like eye can't eventually make from hard work and saving. That's the American way - overcoming financial obstacles. So monetary contributions, while they may aid, simply do not impress me anymore.
Do we really need portable DVD players, gift cards and home dry-cleaning machines? Who knows? Eye just know what eye need...
Sunday, December 18, 2005
It's only today that eye finally understand the significance of the Nashville Chess Center in our lives. And it does go beyond those sinful, sweet treats that the children purchase each week with a considerable amount of their allowance...
...So as my husband is setting up a studio session with a particular musician in town, the conversation comes to include discussion about a genius child protege in town that he believes he has discovered. Just so happens, that after much description of the young man, Dwight realizes that he knows the young lad of the hour. Probably the only near adult that we do know? Just so happens that during this same discussion, we're multi-tasking while preparing sandwiches for the children to eat before leaving for their Sabbath science.
Genius child protege (in discussion)=Son of the chess center director
eerie right? Eye know. What's the likelihood?
The energy surrounding this facility is bigger than Kings AND Queens.
The energy surrounding CountBassD is bigger than Hiphop.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Today was Kana & Zeke's monthly class at the Frist Arts Museum. The educational outreach department offers a valuable program to the community for free "Art Saturdays". It's best to reserve space in advance (just in case it fills quick), but they surprisingly accept walk-ups, so long as seating permits. Hi, Ms. Ashley!
This creative outlet for them grants me a free visit to the museum monthly. Not that eye could not go otherwise, seeing as how Writehanded has been one of the museum's press partners since 2003. But it's a much more lowkey experience to tour the exhibits as a "Parent-Chaperone". My advisory sticker actually reads : Frist Center School Tours Chaperone. So of course everyone is looking at me like eye am SOMEBODY, in a way different than when eye have visited on "Press Days". To be a parent...
BTW - Freethinking technology "Macks" use Mac. Hardware "Squares" prefer PC's = Microsoft. Which are you?
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Well, eye survived the process this morning. Voicemail on "e". Feel free to contact me today knowing that even if you don't catch me, you will have space to make your presence or presents known. At least until the space fills again.
YO! Randall won on The Apprentice last evening. GO BLACK MAN, GO BLACK MAN GO! Isn't it odd that we still live in a society when seeing the Brother victorious in a system where odds are opposing can bring about a sense of accomplishment for the American Afrikan culture? Would any self-respecting Black American truly feel comfortable among the hierarchy of the colonialized and capitalistic world? Though the opportunity is a relative advancement for "the people", it also points to the complacency of some of "the community".
All told, it is what it is, and that's the point. Randall's laid-back leadership style can only get him so far in an industry of "hammerheads" and "meatcleavers". For now though, his most personable, lovable personality will get him beyond the threshold. There's nothing more appealing in European-based business than a passive Brother. Just don't be a doormat, Randall. That's my advice to the "good guy that my son Zeke and eye have championed for weeks now from afar.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Why is it always time to take the children to the chess club? They only go on Sunday afternoons, but it feels like it's always here. Maybe because we no longer have the diversions of the other extracurricular to help move the week along. As soon as afternoon hits, the oldest two start the scurry in search of loose change to feed the sugary snack cup at the Nashville Chess Center. This is where we allow them to go to coat their sweet tooth & condition them for the next week of junk-free fuel.
We're going on a skool fieldtrip to the Adventure Science Museum on tomorrow. Even though the exhibits are pretty standard & hardly even rotate accordingly, our children look forward to going with an intensity unmatched. Perhaps because they have been going since their toddler years, it's the familiarity that has them open. Children really value comfortability. Frankly, that's probably what eye most get out of taking them over & over & over again.
Friday, December 9, 2005
With all of the work that my husband & eye do to get ahead in this industry, it's nice to be recognized for the effort from someone, at some time - no matter how casual. ALL PRAISE TO THE CREATOR. For us, the work that we put is not solely for the purpose of feeding ourselves digestive nourishment, but as a debt to our artistic nature and a primary sacrifice to our God-body.
Oriana lee has been fortunate to put a great many years in the game. My hands have touched nearly every aspect. My husband has been a recording artist since 1991 - when he first appeared on Me Phi Me's debut album, so let me assure you: he is no punk when it comes to the rules and regulations. Nah...this is real. Us, together - forget about it! When it comes to bizness, we rely on Maat for complete guidance. The rest just happens in a cohesive fashion. Roughly 99.999 percent of the time.
So those who know, don't usually step to us wrong. Some folks actually chose not to deal with us at all simply because they know what it is. Then there's those who just have such a blatant lack of respect for the game that they force us to lay down our goon hand. They don't understand it coming from the mind- spitting it from the heart. They want to see that you have the ability to act a fool. We both severely dislike this "necessary evil" strategy, because we usually end up feeling out of character and wishing "it didn't even have to go down like that".
Really. Confrontation has frustrated me since childhood. Some who might know me might say that's moot, but it's really the truth. Shame the devil. Fact is that an early age confrontation became a mild habit that eye learned from the women in my family. This is to say nothing bad of them because my grandmother and mother were a dope team, but they were as many Black American women who have been beat down repeatedly by this system. Proud, loud and demanding. Moving confrontation was a key tool for emotional survival. The need to confront does not stem from an ugly place in this instance, but a familiarly fearful one. It becomes a survival skill.
Dwight and I have finally come to overstand that being on top in the entertainment industry means having to deal with people referring to you as an asshole out of context due to their lack of understanding. This epiphany is most uplifting, while still a crushing realization for a pair of kids from the ghetto who saw Hiphop as a surefire path away from the struggle.
Never mind. So long as the top assholes do feel the point.
This business will smoke you like an Optimo if you let it. You know, real slow like. But burning all the while. You find yourselves in situations where cats will rob you without even a BB gun pointed at your dome; screw you in the rear without a prophylactic or lube, as they [do not exist] say. Straight jacking for verses, tracks, publishing, writer's credit, hotel rooms, performance fees, appearance fees, jewelry, individual lyrics, mixes, remixes...whatever's up for grabs, more or less. It is sometimes disheartening to face having to soak in what often reeks of a cesspool in order to provide even a decent lives for the offspring. What jolts most is knowing that "it ain't even gotta be like that."
Why do those who are the kindest find themselves most used, abused and mistreated? We all find ourselves in the bully role in certain instances, knowing that if we just do the right thing we could make life a little easier for the next man. But, somehow many of us lose focus from time to time and eventually find ourselves remorseful and apologetic. But then there are those who get out of focus and continue down a blurry road of stepping on the next person until it becomes the norm and you may as well write them off as blind at that point.
Eye am still having trouble finding comfortability in such practices. Eye am still unable to see the justice in such treatment.
Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Before long, we are going to have nothing "safe" to eat unless we grow it in our own backyard. This theory about soy being as poisonous as swine has finally been released from the inner vegan circles & unleashed on the populace. Years ago, eating "healthy" was all about soy. First tofu; then soy milk. Texturized Soy (Vegetable) Protein, affectionately nicknamed TVP. Morningstar burgers. Soy strips. Soy (ice) cream. Soy Slices. Shreds. Sausage. Chips? You can even indulge in the seasonal soy (egg) nog - rum not included.
As a parent, this issue gives me great guilt. A similar indecisiveness arouses when it comes to vaccinations, too. It's like...Dwight & eye spend so much time shaping the children's lives for the best. From day one, we committed to continually giving this gift until the end. But, life in general is so confusing now. Sometimes we may think that we are giving them the best possible, while finding ourselves undermined by a code of ethics that contradict our own. We are often forced to accept "that's just the way it is" as the all in all. End. All.
Well, right now, the babies & eye are catching the Wednesday night, reality-show line-up. These are our guilty pleasures. Martha Stewart's The Apprentice is on right now. You can tell about how little attention eye am paying. But, Kana(8) & Zeke(nearly 7) are glued. Eye am just not impressed - seriously. However, eye did catch the last half-hour of America's Next Top Model. Once again, the judges were inches away from choosing a model of mixed heritage. But, to our surprise, they patriotically chose the All-American chic.
Tyra Banks (+1)= Guest List for MF DOOM / CountBassD show tonight in L.A.
Monday, December 5, 2005
Remember to catch Count on tour with MF DOOM from December 5 through December 17. Check dates and cities.
Saturday, December 3, 2005
It seems that soon after Roger Troutman was brutally murdered a few years ago by his brother, bandmate & business partner, Larry Troutman, the world of Hiphop turned its back on a legendary contributor to the genre. Think: California Love & the whole commercial west coast rap sound. Too bad Roger & backing band, Zapp, have no quality supporting links to follow, but do your own search to piece together their funky story. Or should that ready fonky? This here though is pretty funny: Roger Troutman Online.
How much is parental commitment worth? Is it normal for parents to make promises to their children & then regularly back out - even partially? Is it disrespectful for a child to request fair & loving treatment from their parent? Is this what the Bible means by obey your parent? Is it wrong to question your parent's motives at any time? Eye have never had a "normal" relationship with either parent, so eye genuinely do not know what's considered regular.
Weigh in with your thoughts:
Psychology teaches us that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. Therefore, more often than not, we can guess how a particular person will act based on how they have in previous experiences. Keeping this in mind when we find ourselves in guarded situations will prevent us from making decisions that will potentially expose our vulnerability. Eye am learning to trust my gut instinct in these circumstances. This is my Saturday morning epiphany.
All praise & thanks to my Granny for teaching me how to be a great mother by her example. She truly did sacrifice all for the sake of her family, and you just don't find that type of grandmother anymore. Even on her meager income, she would be of financial assiatance however she could to keep things moving for all involved. She even lessened her work week at times to help me finish school, so that the life that we are providing for the babies now would be possible. She jumped at any opportunity to spend time with her children & grandchildren because family first was truly her life & not a concept. Most importantly, she never stopped mothering me, even as an adult. She gave me much advice that was not requested & knowledge that my mind was too young to grasp at times. For these things, my gratitude is abundant! It would have been nice to have appreciated her more in those times. Hindsight is indeed magnifying.
Last week was my first visit to her burial site. It was a really bugged experience. Here swell the tears...more in a bit.
Friday, December 2, 2005
We have been together for 12 years. We have both been working in the business for at least that long. We decided to see Count on top in 2000. This is when my career as a freelance journalist morphed into a part-time publicist position, which soon snowballed into a fulltime, exclusive management job. In 2004, eye decided to narrow my scope of work & clients to focus solely on he who eye believe in most.
In only two years, ALL PRAISE BE TO THE CREATOR, we have come full circle in our initial endeavors. The Oriana lee EP is finally scheduled to drop mid-month with the launch of the Unchaste belt line. Visit for more info. Click Music.
Catch CountBassD on tour with DOOM beginning December 5 in Austin, TX.
To the folx: Thanks for the loving response...
Thursday, December 1, 2005
Friday, November 25, 2005
surreal- 1 : having the intense irrational reality of a dream (Merriam-Webster Online)
Eye was tripping when eye saw that J. Dilla performed last evening at Jazz Cafe, inspite of his physical challenges. That's on some ole' real man type ish. Word up! The outpouring of love from his supporters has been amazing.
Gotta run to handle this BI. These children are a trip...
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Think long & hard before you consider having a large family.
It seems impossible at most times to get peace in a house with six bodies. It wouldn't be a stretch to say nearly ALL of the time. This can be terribly frustrating, at times. Especially being that four of them are youth. Not only do they occupy every waking hour, but those that should be reserved for sleeping, too. They want it all!!!
Still, eye give thanks & would not do a thing differently if the chance came about. Who else would fold the towels & washclothes; put away the silverware & cups; water the plants; set the table? Children are like personal servants if you freak it right ;-).
But really...what they contribute to my day is much greater than what they walk away with. In these times of frustration, eye try to remind myself that these moments are fleeting. Before long, the children will have children of their own & little time for Mama & Daddy. Then what will we do?
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Never heard a turkey make the gobble sound. It's kind of like achoo.
Most United Americans do gobble their meals on Thanksgiving.
*Thanksgiving=Ani Yun Wiya (Cherokee Natives)
My great grandparents were part Cherokee. Attribute my "good" hair to the Indian in my family. My recommittment to re-lock once Kush was a year old has been undermined by my genes. This wig looks wild like a desert dustball. Eye am lovin' it, too!
My recommittment to skirts has been undermined by my jeans. Banana Republic to be exact. It's about time for me to invest in some Apple Bottoms. They are designed to compliment the Black female rear. So eye hear. Why not get a pair? They really are priced fair.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Eye was fortunate enough to catch the Halloween Jimmy Kimmel with Bobby Brown & Mike Tyson. The funny in that episode came across from the captions. From the captions alone, yo! Now you know that's funny! Those are the type of guys that lived around my way. They could easily be my big brother, had eye one. These are two of the greatest personalities of our era. Really.
The King & I are starting to trip out at this 360 that we just completed with Sony. In the midst of it all, we are finally recognizing the actual quality of success that we are having collectively. Direct connections are at every hand. Some people call it degrees of seperation. It's motivating for us to establish the direct connections in our line of work.
*Jimmy Kimmell=Mac Burris aka MacBurney Burris of the band Self
*Hoppoh=Fat Beats
Isn't that interesting? Let's revisit...
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Someone tuned the radio in my office/studio/skool area to 650 WSM. Dolly Parton's "Jolene" is blasting (eye turned it up when the song came on). Nostalgia has overtaken my attempt to work on my retail one sheet. All that comes to mind is how reassuring country music sounded to me as a youth. Having spent the majority of my life in Nashville, it was almost ritualistic that Country & Western be a part of the average daily goings-on.
Every single morning in my Granny's house, it was understood that the first person to visit the kitchen was responsible for powering the outdated clock/radio that permanently sat next to the 4-slice toaster. Every day after school, the first one in would power the radio off. It was a crime to change the dial. So no one ever did. Not for decades.
Dolly is my girl from back in the day. She used to ride in on that train like it was a Bentley.
Sing along now:
"Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I'm begging of you please don't take my man
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Please don't take him just because you can
Your beauty is beyond compare
With flaming locks of auburn hair
With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green"
You slappin' that right knee yet? Stompin' that foot? Yee-hoo!
Saturday, November 19, 2005
The way that he responds to music makes me wonder if his daddy acted that way as a toddler. If he did, then not much has changed since. They are like two peas in a pod.
Dwight just phoned me in my office/studio to tell me that he has disappeared into his case eye was wondering. Honestly, eye figured as much. What's a trip is that he phones right when eye am in the middle of telling you about he & Mags musical connection.
Now Mags wants to type+
...that was all him. He is determined to destroy something. Young male children sometimes behave this way when they are restless. Now my cell phone is the object of his desire. He has signed onto the internet through Verizon 3 times this week. He we go again...
What is it about phones that ALL babies love? Have you ever met a child over 3 months that wasn't absolutely enthralled by it's capabilities? This is true even when the phone is inoperable. Who knows why?
My latest commercial addiction is Sex in the City. Never saw it before last month, but eye have since found myself not changing the station when it comes on after WGN news. We're spending this weekend catching up on the first season, thanks to Hollywood Video's wide selection of flicks. After 3 episodes straight, the appeal started to tarnish slightly, but it's worth seeing out. The directors have done a decent job at capturing raw female sexuality. There's a lot of flesh on display - in true American portrayal. The writers take great liberties taken with the traditional sister-friend relationships, but the essence is evident. Above all, it's mindless fluff. Eye am going through a phase where responsibilities are so vast that mindless tv is a cheap (& inexpensive) escape. Could be worse...right??? Eye know people who do crack under pressure. Ya heard!
Off to see the wizard...
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Settling into the graveyard, slaving hard for future grand-kin. To slumber while work remains; a mighty costly sin. When the digi-world flickers midnight out west, the big red sun splashes his best. Abreast my aesthetic lifeboat, eye gloat. High on Something To Cope. Feels like something is in my thrope whenever wheels start biking this fast. The last place to rest my heart is on a mare. Past & future cares eye declare long gone; there is a present to embrace! A beautiful full-figured moon of space!
Yowzers! Your homegirl is getting straight smoked in this blog competition that Dwight & eye are having this month. In the last few days, three posts were saved as draft, but never sent. No use in going back to that old news now. That sets me back a bit though. But you know me. This battle is not over yet, so eye ain't never scared! Watch me get up in here so often in the next few days that folks will have to request me to shut my trap.
Now don't do that really... ;-)
We watched Diary of a Mad Black Woman this weekend. It reminded me so much of Nutty Professor in the characterization, but the writing was so...BLACK. Sure...Hollywood scripting was well represented in the dramatization. However, the actual reality of the range of Black living in America was dead on point. So was the portrayal of our emotion. That Tyler Perry is truly a gifted brother.
His Madea Goes To Jail will be in Nashville on December 3rd & it would make me happy to be up in there. Since eye have never made it a priority to attend any of the past plays that have come to my city, this newfound admiration feels a little like jumping on the bandwagon. Hell! So be it. But let it be known, the fact that the brother is a self-made millionaire & still finds time to fully participate in the art touches me in a mighty way. Shoot! He is living the American Dream in a very Black fashion. That's what eye'm talkin' bout! Plus, he has Oprah eating out of his palms! Who got a business like that?
Be who you be. Do what you do. Much respect in all things you.
Too bad Tyler Perry will have to wait to meet me some other time. We will be in Hartford, Connecticut on December 3rd. If you will be in the area, be in touch so we can get together -
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Weeks like this one do not come about often on my walk. All praise be to the creator!
Right now, Something To Cope is printing for the first time in full. Eye am slightly paralyzed in this moment. So much so, that typing this post is taking me double the time that it should. The surrounding thoughts do not provide an isolated moment for me to accurately convey these emotions. Eye am overwhelmed, to say the very least.
Page 85 just printed. This is really bugging me out!!! As soon as eye can focus, eye need to shower & head to the library. The book needs to go to the printer yesterday, so the pressure is on to edit & make changes - QUICK! So much help is needed with this Library of Congress code. Sorting out CIP data block information is so tedious & technical that most librarians are not seasoned in using the LC system.
"We use Dewey."
"We use Dewey."
It's like the librarians cataloging defense phrase. Hopefully some friendly student of library science will challenge themselves to step outside of their comfort zone to help me hash this out today. Hopefully...
Just know that things are good. No...things are great!
Sunday, November 6, 2005
International phone tag is the absolute worst! Besides coming up against the obvious language barrier, the process of dialing while using the best rates on the best calling cards requires so many numbers that eye would probably be better off sending smoke signals. Not tobacco, of course.
Friday, November 4, 2005
Orianna no longer works for Writehanded Dot Com or Oriana lee will handle all of the pending business left dangling in her absence. All future correspondence addressed to Orianna will be forwarded to Oriana lee. For those of you who are accustomed to dealing with Orianna, please be patient during this transition from two n's to one. After a few messages addressed specifically to Oriana, surely you will get the hang of it.
Count just phoned to report that the show was one of his best performances ever. He was so blown away by his own performance that eye had to hang onto my desk while he told me about it. Had eye not, the account would have blown me away, too [shaking my head]. Sounds like something that should have been caught on video. But then, that's all of Count's shows. Word up!
Thursday, November 3, 2005
This is my first post from the "leg-up" perspective. If things work out to where eye can boogie this weekend, then whatever the champion prize, consider it mine. Yeah, baby.
Honestly, considering that my bet is with a Blog graduate, he probably expects me to think him slipping. Watch. The promoter will have a way to hook Count up to Blogger Go Mobile word that will permit him to upload every thought he releases while in Sweden.
You know it's the truth. Shame the devil.
Seems as though eye need a new strategy if eye plan to reign victor. Back to the mixing board...
Wednesday, November 2, 2005
The King & eye have committed to a blog challenge. Whoever blogs the most this month wins a...well, not sure exactly what we win yet because we didn't get that far. But,let me be the first to admit that eye am getting smoked because it has been two days since posting.
See for yourself
And his posts are kind of long, too. That's okay though. The competitive nature is kicking in & eye should get a leg up because he is going to Europe this weekend. (sinister laugh:hehehe)
Eery things have been happening around our house lately. It has always been my thinking that someone died in this place because our landlord is never willing to come inside. Not when we came to the showing of the house prior to living here. Not when it was time for us to move in. Not even the few times that she has popped by to ask about her money.
Besides that, random items tend to disappear, never to resurface. There is a bag of greenery that just went up in it's own smoke one fine afternoon. How? Where? Must be a ghost with a fix, huh?
Granny (peace be upon her) makes a visit every now and then, as well. Just the other day my Cousin Joyce (peace be upon her) made a visit after not having been here since her physical presence left this space in 2003. Actually, she was at my house just the day before she passed away.
She had come down for a surprise visit from Detroit to see my Granny & our family like she always had done, usually twice a year. It was April 25th and we were celebrating our son, Kush's 2nd birthday (April 23). She was a great help that night because my King had not yet come home from work & everyone had arrived to a kitchen not yet prepared. Joyce came right in & hopped on the grilled. She manned that meat like a champ & she even put together Kush's bike once the grilling was done. The night was especially festive simply because she was in our home. She was one of those center-of-attention spirits. So no party was complete without her. Thankfully Kush's was.
Joyce had to drive back to Detroit the following afternoon. Upon arrival, she phoned Granny to lay ease to her ever-worrying mind. She had arrived safely. She shared that she was tired & was going to bed so that she could go to church in the morning.
The following morning, April 27th, her 15 year-old boy, Michael, phoned my mother. This was something that had never happened before. He was perplexed that he could not wake his mother for church. Yikes! Joyce had transitioned in her sleep.
So fast-forward to this weekend. For the first time since we had inherited Granny's sofa-bed, we decided to let the children sleep on it. So we pulled it out. When we pulled the bottom-half of the fram open, we discoved a stocking cap that had been folded up inside. A shiver shot through my veins instantly. It was Cousin Joyce's stocking cap, left there from the last time she came to visit & slept in this very couch-bed, that used to be Granny's. Is that not weird? Whatever the forces that haunt this house are really real, ya'll.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
It's amazing how surprisingly hush the passing of C. Delores Tucker. Peace Be Upon Her. Though her departure on October 12 was mentioned through the various popular media outlets (NPR, CNN), the exposure was brief. It was not brought to my knowing until Dr. Julianne Malveaux called for a moment of silence at the Millions More Movement (Oct. 16). Not that eye know everything that's going on in the world, but this occurence should have received wider coverage. She was one of the few Martin Luther King, Jr. comrades still here.
And then another...
Rosa Parks transitioned on October 24. Peace Be Upon Her. It strikes me as significant that two of our greatest Black leaders from the Civil Rights era returned to the essence within weeks. Eye find it ironic that both of these leaders had their last hurrah from criticizing & actually filing lawsuits against Rap lyrics. It is my belief that while these women have everything to do with the elevation of Black folk, post- 1960, their good intentioned attempts to censor Rap music were misguided.
Encourage me to go into this more if you are interested...
When we went to the nation's capital a few weeks ago, we decided to take the children to see the landmarks. Though we had drove vehicle to the district, we were encouraged to take the train (subway) to Pennsylvania Avenue to avoid searching for parking. This was the day following the Millions More Movement, so the area was still set up in a way that made it difficult for civilians to get around in the immediate vicinity of the capital and the Washington monument.
The first sight once we came out of the tunnel was the Library of Congress. This was one of the most significant days of my living because just the day before we left home, my Library of Congress Control Number arrived for Something To Cope. Only my husband would be able to describe the adulation attached to that moment, because he pointed the building out first & received the greatest warmth of my reaction. Allow me designate that as the specific instance where eye knew that eye had arrived. That image fresh in my mind & knowing factually that my book will be housed in that building, reminds me that childhood dreams do come true.
"He got a book; he got a book; she got a book"-Suge Knight, BET Tonight, 2002
According to, Lydia Harris, wife of Death Row Records founder, Michael "Harry O" Harris has a new "tell-all' book entitled, Married To the Game. Considering that her recent documentary, Welcome To Death Row lays it all out in the open, it's hard to imagine what else she might have to say. As a reader, it is always my preference to read the book before seeing the related film. People seem to disclose more nitty-gritty details in their writings than they feel comfortable speaking on camera. Has anyone picked it up yet? Does anyone know if she has a ghost writer? If you have read it, plese let me know if it's worth purchasing. At very least, eye will make an attempt to pick it up from my local library.
This is Sunday morning.
"Praise the Lord & pass the ammunition."
Saturday, October 29, 2005
On some days, at some times, there is a moment in the day when the old scrolling mental-picture clears. Some call it the lightbulb moment. Or an epiphany. This occurence known as revelation in religious circles.
No matter the attribution, there is a certain emotion that goes along with that experience. Does anyone know what that emotion is called? Not sure if it has a name. Not even sure if anyone else has discovered this sensation. Well, whatever the technical name, eye want to acknowledge that particular feeling as my more prevalent emotion - right now.
My journey detour has ended. Back on the road eye go. Time to tune into my surroundings; time to tap into the pulse, again.
Something about the environmental changes in the fall brings me out of me. Maybe it's that life in general becomes a tadbit more relaxed since the rush of the current year evaporates into a hibernating climate. This period of the year initiates a season of thanksgiving. A season of love. A season of peace. Most yearly business has been finalized. Most of the annual funds are near deplete. The record industry specifically slows to a near hault. You wouldn't believe how many people suddenly forget that they have an office, an office phone, and major business to handle. They vanish into the white of the snowy sky.
Through, we closed on a couple of major dealings this week. Anticipate a formal announcement soon. Read the journal & join the boards in the meantime to stay up.
Thank you for climbing on board. Thank you for riding.
SOMETHING TO COPE/January 31, 2006
Friday, October 28, 2005
Is there such a diagnosis as selective crazy? You selective memory??? As a student of psychology, never has this presented itself in my studies, but in everyday life, this has become the norm. Have you ever met a person who uses crazy to their advantage? Eye have. MANY! At this point in my living, eye am not sure if this person really exists, even though eye occupy such space - often.
They [do not exist] say it takes crazy to know crazy. This perspective comes from an artistic, married, mothering, professional, working black woman who once was crazy. So know, that eye do, know crazy. From my experience: either you are crazy or you are not crazy. Never has crazy been a choice in my world.
Those of you who are not afflicted or infected with crazy are excused from this conversation. Right about now, you are probably thinking, "What is she talking about?" Or, "Where is she going with this rambling?"
Quite frankly, nowhere is the destination. This is just one of the few places where it is understood that all dialogue is worthy. That's what blogging is all about. Right?
Is it crazy that it is almost 3 o'clock in the morning & here we sit - at this terminal? Is it crazy that yours truly just fried up two huge catfish fillet, yet hunger escapes in spite of the lulling aroma - at almost 3 o'clock in the morning? Do you find it odd that no matter that 4 children will request my service at 7 a.m. that typing would even be on my agenda - at almost 3 o'clock in the morning?
Odd. Hmm...
Perhaps that would be a good alias for the magic that Dwight creates when we do studio together. Overdose was our crew name back in 94'. Now it seems that ODD makes much more sense.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Have you ever allowed your self to be present?
To soak in space that won't permit your consciousness to drift off to thoughts of what you are going to do when? Or dwelling on bits and pieces of what happened that night of the one magnificent epiphany. This is a moment of future present. Although time & space do not exist. We will define it as a moment, for lack of a better.
"This moment.
Past tense."
-Netsanett Ahun/ Freedom Now (Peace People)
...which leads to the mention of the Writehanded Dot Com forthcoming promotional CD:
Unchaste Belts presents “Oriana lee EP”
Total Running Time: 18m:10s
Produced by CountBassD for
Co-Produced by Oriana lee for Writehanded Dot Com
Executive Produced by Oriana lee & CountBassD
Material* from the forthcoming Something To Cope
Audio Book produced by CountBassD for
Release Date: January 31, 2006
*Except “Padded Room With A View” by CountBassD
One: This Is For My Wife
Two: A Padded Room With A View
Three: Who Are You Anymore?
Four: The Expose’
Five: Netsanett Ahun / Peace People
Six: The Write Way Baby
Seven: Writehanded Dot Com PSA
For more information:
The above information posted as taken from MySpace blog:
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
NOT hanging out.
NOT hanging up.
NOT hung over.
But there.
There is where each moment appears to be in limbo, left of direction. Happiness becomes suspended by forces that have but one pursuit - M-O-N-E-Y. That dollar, ALMIGHTY!
Thursday, October 13, 2005
October 13, 2005
If there is anything that you know about me for certain, is that there exists a never-ending tendency to disappear. Total ghost. Eye am saying. This has been going on for as far back as my mind will reflect. Friends of mine have always taken me to task about this "way" of mine. Quite honestly, most of my close friends and companions share this "way". My mama. Both of my sisters. My spouse. ALL of my closest sistergirls. Men friends. Hell! It's not just me. There are alot of people in my life who operate in this same manner. Maybe that's what keeps me feeling so comfortable in this space. These "ways". Eye want to charge it to the artistry, but many of the people who share this flaw are not artists. At least they don't know that they [do not exist] are truly.
No excuses. This is the person you are riding with at this moment. Someone who tends to withdraw from public reach - every now & then. Surely you understand. Are you one of us?
Love to you & yours! Take care.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Yesterday, eye started working on a new piece, detailing my emotional experience with Shock G last week. My, oh my! Spending time with "Greg" completely changed my WHOLE perspective on life. My innocent girl-like infactuation stems from the EP Release back in the early 90's. But, to finally meet him & to hang out with him in the Land Rover, while listening to CountBassD music, was an aligning of the planets type moment. He is the first person to even own a burn of the Oriana lee EP. Count purposely gave it to him by mistake. What kind of ish??? Sorry Ben (unchaste), hopefully you won't mind. Maybe this is the beginning of a new type of collab...CountBassD & Shock G? We have been wanting this to happen for a looonnnggg time. First,we have to convince Shock to get back to recording. He said that he quit a few months ago. After hearing Count's compelling plea for more music, he may have to get back in the game. We'll see...
Our terminal has finally bit the dust. Eye am at a local university library, scheming on a way to make it all happen. Thanks B!
The cover art for Something To Cope is final - for the most part. The pagination is under way. All that's left is for me to send my man, Jason, the images to incorporate. If only eye can find a scanner here...hmm...
Look for the launch of the UK-based unchaste belt line to happen at the end of October. With each purchase, comes an Oriana lee EP, produced by CountBassD. OF course!!! You know how we do!
Thanks again for all of the messages! Thanks for the love & sincerity!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
The Oriana lee EP to be released with the unchaste belt-line in the UK is on it's way. We have been bumping it around the crib, office & studio for the past few days. If O'so Crispy (R U The Girl?) is basking in anything comparable at this time then it would be my guess that she is on the brink of losing her mind. Were eye 10 years younger, we would be in one accord. But at 31 years young, it's hard to get too far gone before reality brings responsibilty back to the forefront.
To celebrate, Shock G will get to feel my presence. He is just blocks away from our spot on this fine fall solstice. My mom is gracious enough to mind the seeds while we make the celebratory rounds this evening. Asante sana, Mama.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
There is something to be said about the high that comes from performing publically. It closely reminds me of the euphoria associated with childbirth. In such instances, energy is heightened beyond, and the life-force has truly evolved to a higher plane. Eye am always amazed at the amount of positively sincere feedback that this celestial space allows. To feel both desired & pleasing at once is a combo that continues to capture my breath. And when the shine is over, it's always too soon. Who is eager to walk back into the lonely unknown after having experienced such a warm & inviting shelter for one's art? Not me, sir. It has been my ultimate desire to dwell in a realm where it is my Godself that primarily occupies.
Eye am livin' out my dream.
Friday, September 16, 2005
African Street Festival
Tennessee State University (Main)
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Performances begin at 6 p.m.
You all know that this is one of the annual events in Nashville to which eye most look forward. Shea Butter. Fabric. Jewelry. Instruments. BOOKS. All things Afrakan! It tripped me out that in NYC these items are available at the flea market every weekend. And here eye am bugging out each time Septemeber rolls around trying to buy everything in sight.
Gotta' jet out for a bit. Let's build more on last week's trip to the N-Y this weekend...
Thursday, September 8, 2005
For someone who is supposed to post almost daily, we can all see that my attempt is slack. There is a good ole' Black Baptist phrase that goes: "Charge it to my head & not my heart." Does that at all convey to you the nature of my guilt?
Another superhero has come to the aid of Something To Cope this week. Graphic designer, Jason Batog, will complete the page Quark. YEAYAH! OKAY!! It appears that we will only have to extend the printing deadline (9/13) by a week. That will give me space to at least give a more concentrated focus to Ma' Dukes on her birthday. By the 20th, we should be on the road to a published book.
As a heads up, it may be difficult for me to post over the weekend. The first DangerDoom show takes place in Boston, Massachusetts (not Tennessee?). Your truly will certainly be up in there. So get at me. CountBassD is the lead DJ for this event, so do not miss this bit of Hiphop history if you can help it. Cats are telling me that they plan to fly in from Portland. DAG!! That's love!
Saturday is a New York City business day for me as eye have several meetings scheduled related to the work that eye do in the music industry. The great thing about going to New York at this time, on this particular set of terms, provides me the perfect opportunity to begin planting Something To Cope seeds around the city. Taking the boroughs down one by one! This weekend's target area is Brooklyn. And in true Oriana lee fashion, eye am flying out of JFK on the dreaded September 11. What kind of fool am eye?
If you need me quickfast, then hit me on the hip. Unfortunately, Verizon may as well put me on payroll because my mobile phone puts in mad hours. Day in, day out. Better know it...
So school starts in half an hour. We'll put in a couple of hours. There's only so much assessment any child can take, so it is best for me to not strain the minds of these babes during this time. We began the semester on Monday. Yes, labor day. to best celebrate labor than to engage in a little ;-). It is these first two weeks of our school year that we shape our 14-week semester and with all of this review and evaluation, we will take our day off at the end of this process. Don't talk bad about me because these kids are schooling on holidays. We did at least spend a few minutes discussing the history of the American Labor system & why it was initially reserved as an off day.
No off days for me. With a book to finish & a tons of loose ends to braid, there is NO time to chill whatsoever. Catch me NOT chilling in Nashville next Saturday, September 17 at the annual African Street Festival. Performers go on at 6 p.m., so find me somewhere in the mix spitting a few family-oriented pieces.
Peace People.
Monday, August 29, 2005
Something To Cope is scheduled for the printer in 2 weeks & the darn page layout remains undone. The learning curve is greater than the time that eye have to invest right now.
Please help if you can. You will be credited in the book.
Message me at
Oh yeah...make playright August Wilson a focus in your thoughts, prayers & meditations. He has apparently been diagnosed with liver cancer. Please do the same for my spouse's mother. She is back in the hospital.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Though, it is our intention to get out to the Triple Crown next month.
C you there?
JOIN US TONIGHT (25th of August):
Brentwood Skate Center
402 Wilson Pike Circle Brentwood, TN
(615) 373-1827
FAMILY NIGHT - $6 Per Family w/ $2 Skate Rental
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Well here are the remnants of a post lost in cyberspace. Right when eye copied it (acting on a conscious nagging), this darn virus caused my browser to close. No matter. Eye smiled & thanked the creator for having me take the time. Then eye reopened the browser, returned to blogger, dice.
In brief, my musing was a testiment to how eye cannot for the life of me excel in attempts related to: popcorn, pancakes & photography. Maybe another time we can explore these issues in greater detail. As for now, it is nearly 5 a.m. After typing a lengthy post & losing it, this sister is spent. Just know that eye plan to take another photography class soon, so maybe my photographic shortcomings will be resolved by the time we get around to the topic again.
On that note, eye have failed to mention that eye recently read on K. Danielle's blog that a friendly, familiar spirit has transitioned due to a tragic incident. An accomplished photographer, Nathan Burkett will be dearly missed. Peace Be Upon Him.
Friday, August 19, 2005
Anyday now, eye will have before me the custom font for the Something To Cope cover. Once this manifests, Graf master-writer DJ Shiro will layout the cover design in its entirety & my born word will be printer bound. Ain't that something. Something To Cope. Bugged out!!!
For the past few weeks, eye have made it a priority to spend at least an hour in Borders, a couple times a week. Sure, it would pleasure me much more to hang out in the more vibey independently owned spots. Trust me. There is no monetary exchange going on between me or any desk clerk in the bookstore. It sickens me to spend my hard hustled dollars in major franchise establishments. (Now Wal-mart is an addiction, so it does not count.)...But for the sake of game, it is necessary for me to see what's happening on "the shole 'nuff track" that Rev. Ed mentioned in his Sermon on last Sunday morning.
It is crucial at this point that my hands are familiar with the fabric on possibly every type of book every made. Eye need to be able to identify the weight and color of paper by simply flipping any given page.
Does everyone use the same texture foil for embossed letters? Not sure.
Do books that are shrink-wrapped move as fast as books that are not? Don't know.
What are the various adhesives used for CD's inside books? Do books with audio price the same as those without?
My taste for quality book design has to be top notch & 100 percent on point. In accordance with every record that we have released through Quality! We demand it...we know that you do to.
This is school as far as eye can tell. So what eye never made it back for my Masters. It is my promise that eye will master this publishing game just like we have the recording game. Writehanded Dot Com will soon be a fully-functioning Press, in addition to the current press vehicle for affiliated music artists and independent interests.
Thank you for the magnificent support! MAGNIFICENT!
It was 10 years ago, this past February, that eye declared professional writing as my job. It was 10 years ago that eye started out on the track - freelance. My first published piece, as a "professional" was a commentary about Black History Month. For a small paper in Philadelphia. Oddly enough, it was an editor that eye met through AOL . This was when AOL was one of the only 3 online networks. None of this World Wide Web business.
It was my desire then, as much as now, to publish a full work. Yo, your girl is trippin'! This is mad overwhelming.
Eye am living out my dream.
Monday, August 15, 2005
We are finally in the position to announce the collaborative/promotional project for Something To Cope. Writehanded Dot Com/ just entered an agreement with the flavor UK belt line, Unchaste. We will release an exclusive Oriana lee mix cd, produced by CountBassD, to promote their specially designed waist-wear, along with Something To Cope - scheduled for November.
TONE...Soft & Sweet
TODAY WAS LIKE..."The Wizard of Oz"- When Dorothy & Toto got caught up in the destructive tornado winds, only to finally land in the wonderful world of Oz.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Battling this computer virus has taken more effort than originally expected. This
dag-blasted Bloodhound W32.EP is poking its nose into everything that we try to do
on this terminal. Mac – here we come! These PC’s are made for the kids – not for the
professionals. If anybody knows what needs to happen in order for me to exterminate
this virtual nuisance, please send the info to
This virus controls my keystrokes, documents, and browser - yowzers! (Couldn't
resist) This cyberspace-sickness even resets my background to the image of its
All of this havoc is making my job so much more challenging. Instead of typing the
editorial, eye must first jot down for fear of losing my copy. We are certain that
it will only be a few mornings before the cyber Hurst comes to claim the remains of
our third computer in seven years. My memory is short already, so it will likely be
only days before it is totally shot.
However, during these tedious tasks, we are going to keep those spirits high. Though
things are not all that we want them to be, we accept what we have.
This week, Michelle A. Whyte shares her perspective regarding VH1’s The Greatest: 50
Hip Hop Artists of All Time. We are offering you a chance to sound off & share your
list in our next issue.
Since IN THE KNOW is a little late due to the technical snags aforementioned, we are
including a treat with this week's issue. We are offering a free “Writehanded/IN THE
KNOW” Mp3 download for those who visit the listings. Feel free to save this IN THE
KNOW promo & share this ditty with all of your folks. Vocal Performer- Oriana lee;
Producer-Count Bass D - of course!
Something To Cope is now in labor. Dilation is at around three, so my artistic
concentration is steeped in the anticipation of the manifestation of my first book
complete ;-). Through we have executive produced many records, but
this is the first book/audio book attempt. The overall development process is very
similar to record manufacturing, but the nuances are pesky enough to stretch the
learning curve. Anybody know Quark??? HELP PLEASE!!!
Keep it movin' along! Be easy.
Friday, August 5, 2005
Can't you see your child being the envy of the entire school with this piece? Yeah, right.
Just when you think that commercial rap influence cannot get any more disguisting, somebody decides to kick it up another notch.
Feature description (from
Chuco, Mr. Frosty, Mr. Clean, and Mad B. Welcome to the world of "Homies", it is a place where we enjoy our Urban culture, wear baggy clothes, lowride our custom cars, and party hardy every chance we get. Us "Homies" have been around in the Latino southwest lowrider community for 20 years. Chances are you already know us, when you buy these toy figures, you will know that your Homies will always be there for you. Collect the whole neighborhood, and Homies will hang out in your home, where the party is at!
In search of a special b-day toy treat for Kana, these "Homies" caught my eye. On the website, they are actually listed as one of the best sellers. This is plain disguisting! No really. My stomach churns harder with every word typed. Does anyone know if this is an actual TV show or just a ploy to get money from Latinos who like Hiphop?
Monday, August 1, 2005
Just lost my whole post. Boy, oh boy is that frustrating. Eye am going to have to start typing in text & then pasting it into blogger. That did it! Eye am going to rest for the night/early morning.
Tomorrow is my big meeting with my potential printer for Something To Cope. Please wish me luck! Oh...& the cover layout design is underway. FINALLY!!! YEAH!!! Details soon.
Be easy. Take care.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Another late night. Eye just came up to my studio to work, after watching Ol' Dirty Bastard: A.K.A. Dirt McGrit: Free to Be Dirty: Live. It was so heavily edited. But still, it was worth the watch. It's ODB!
When eye seen ODB live & in the flesh back in '95, he looked like a hologram. This was when fame was poppin' heavy for the Wu. ODB was popular, he was wild, & he was see-thru. Fo' real. It seemed as though eye was looking right through him even though he was clearly standing there. The energy made goosebumps. But at the same time it was like once our eyes met, my energy charged like flicking a light switch. As eye recount, the memory feels fresh.
Well, once my light came on all composure went out the roof (we were at an open-air venue in Miami) & eye started trippin'. It took every restraint technique inside to keep my excitement contained to a light jump up & down. Eye was buggin' at the fact that he was standing squarely behind me. Eye was spooked at the fact that he was already looking at me when eye turned around. A friend of mine was standing to my right, so my writehand uninvoluntarily tugged at the shoulder of his shirt, while screaming at the top of my whisper," Ol' Dirty is behind us!"
Just to be sure that my mind had not gotten ahead of me and assumed that Dirty was sharing space with me & not someone who looked a lot like Dirty, eye snatched my neck around again. This time hoping to avoid his face, eye planned to glance intently & then chill. Calm down. Get over it.
To my surprise, once my neck hit 90 degrees, eye could see from the corner that he was still looking at me. So eye got bold & tilted my head until we connected. He then brought up his left arm over head- bottle of Vodka in hand - & turned the liquor bottle upside down. He swallowed like no liquid had wet his throat in hours.
Eye could see at that moment that he was not of this place for sure. His presence dominated the whole space. Eye was not even about to consider entering his world. Not even for a second. Not even to say, "Peace."
"Peace" would have been universal. That is precisely how to go about juxtaposing this macrocosm. "Peace" would have been understood. To recognize the God in OBD was to simply acknowledge his presence. Words can be superfluous in divine space. Na' Mean?
As eye peeped the footage tonight, it felt like he was standing right behind me, still. It has been repeated over & over that he was real live with it. It is my testimony that he lives. May peace be upon, Russell Jones.
Choose your favorite bowl. In your bowl, first, pour the bran. Then the granola. Add the strawberries, followed by the raisins. Top with the brown sugar. Pour milk last (duh!).
Ideally, these items would be organic. In this case, the cereal & the milk are certified. For a special touch, warm the milk. Mmm!!!
Eye came up with this last night when eye realized that eye had not yet eaten dinner, but my cravings kept leading me to sweet sugary snacks. Visions of donuts, cakes, and pies had inundated to the point where eye wanted nothing to do with good, healthy vittles. Eye even went so far as to leave the house in search of a pleasing treat, but my conscious got the best of me & eye returned home with a carton of sale strawberries & appetite was
for something nasty, right?By the time eye got back to the crib not only had my craving intensified,but the hunger had evolved into borderline starvation. Not since early afternoon had my schedule opened up enough for me to sit down with food. Besides a few peanuts here & there, not a morsel. My stomach was getting pissed & my
Gastritis was going off. And at once..the lightbulb moment - which would suit all of my carnal, nutritional & digestive needs collectively.The Perfect Breakfast-Dinner Snack!!! And it was too delicious!
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
With no further delay, we are finally occupying space in your inbox. Though the listings were posted on the site at our typical Sunday evening publishing deadline,the Monday mailing was unable to go out on time due to unforeseen circumstances.
Please enjoy the review of Hustle and Flow in this issue, as well as the offeringsof your respective communities. Remember to stay cool. Work hard to keep your cool.And be out and about in the scene to inflate your cool factor.
If you have never read Richard Majors book, Cool Pose: The Dilemmas of Black Men in America, then do yourself a favor and purchase it or request it from your local library. Majors offers a very insightful perspective regarding the macho-bravado that has saturated the attitudes of the young males across this country – most recently the Hiphop generation.
We thank you for your constant support. Until next time...
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Well, having intense training in car sales works to my favor in standing firmly on the ducketts that eye came in to spend (this last case=nothing) during these random service visits. No waivering here. In fact, it usually turns out that eye part with less.
What does frustrate is the inability to transfer anything other than the "Contacts". It would seem that ALL information would tranfer from phone to phone digitally. To lose timeless candid portraits over & over due to an internal malfunction gets to be old after a while.
The number remains the same. My phone is working wonderfully. Eye need to create my own background. The little boy jumping on the beach reflects nothing about my true self. Not on this day anyway.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++SOMETHING TO COPE/FALL 2005
Thursday, July 21, 2005
It is my intention to post here each & every day. But no matter my honest intention, the day does not always seem to allow time for me to communicate with you. Know that even in my absence, you are on my mind. Eye take into consideration those of you who grace this space with your presence on a regular basis. Eye do not take your time & thought for granted. It's just that this lifestyle is hectic beyond belief, so many a night eye prepare to rest burdened that eye have not reached out to you - my loyal supporters. Please forgive my slackness. "Charge it to my head & not my heart."
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Count reported a successful show at the Knitting Factory in NYC on Saturday as a guest of Jneiro Jarel. He is now back in Philly (one of my childhood stomps) to do more recording for a collab with Bro. Jarel.
Hmmm...wonder whatever became of my collection of keys to the Philly zoo. Eye must have collected nearly a dozen. If my memory serves me right, there was a machine just beyond the entrance that we would feed a couple of quarters in exchange for a big plastic key.
My journey to Memphis was much better than expected. It was a pleasantly fruitful visit. Not that eye did not expect it to be a great time, but it was certainly a most bountiful experience.
More after some shut-eye...
Thursday, July 14, 2005
It is not like me to fall so hard for the commercial garbage/babbage, but eye tell no lie when it come to Robert Kelly. This new series, "Trapped in the Closet" is me who is trapped in my computer watching the video over & over.
This project is one of the most brilliant invention of the video itself. Pure emotion! Eye can hardly post for watching the video
In Part 4 R. Kelly mentions that he "turned Some music on." That has me wondering if he is listening to our "Some Music". If that's the case then maybe we can come up on some of those dividends. Wonder if it is the mix CD or the instrumental collection.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
July 11, 2005-July 24, 2005
Peace, people.
Hopefully you all are embellishing the summer by taking advantage of the offerings in your respective communities. This issue is jam-packed with interesting things to do, adventurous places to go and spectacular people to see.
Let us keep at the forefronts of our minds those who have recently transitioned from this space. We send our prayers out to the family & friends of amazing vocalist/arranger Luther Vandross –peace be upon him. Luther truly lived as a “Superstar” who touched the lives of musicians & music-lovers alike.
We also take this moment to remember a few of the key In The Know supporters who have returned to the essence over the past few years: Angela Bevens, Tonya “Dayo”Bailey, Katrina “K-Luv” Lewis & Athan Gibbs. If you are not familiar with these names then use the internet to do the history. All of these spirits were great vessels in the advancement of Black artists & professionals, alike. We send love to their families, who are still learning to cope with the absence.
We also want to recognize the legacy of Prince Lij Tafari Makonnen, more commonly known as Emperor Haile Selassie I. The impact that Selassie’s reign in Ethiopian has had on Afrikans worldwide is of high remark. In 1963, Selassie gave a speech before the UN that would later serve as the lyrics to one of Bob Marley’s most timely tunes, “War”.
Ironically enough, Selassie’s birth date (July 23) is immediately followed by the birthday of Marley’s mother, Cedella (July 24), which is followed by the birth date of Rita Marley (July 25). Following is an original tribute piece, in honor:
23 July-25 July Gregorian
Powerful roots energy undercurrents
Ras Tafari, Elder Cedella & heiress
Queenie Marley came to be inherent
Mystic streaming across the earth black
Eye presence seen within the trinity
Lots of lovin’ from Nesta thrown aback
Powerful roots energy undercurrents
Mystic streaming across the earth black
Enjoy the outings! Be safe.
Oriana lee
Thursday, July 7, 2005
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Rev. Jesse specifically contributed the words democracy, disinherited & moot ("The question is moot!") to my own "young" personal vocabulary. Surely there are more. much of his rhetoric have eye sat up under over the years? Probably enough to round the edges of my dirty South phraseology.
While these words are considered plain & common to the average American, much of what linguists consider to be "standard" vocabulary does not always penetrate Black American English dialect. The reverend's contribution to Black-talk has indeed been significant & enormous in effect.
So in addition to the frayed political legacy that rests strong in the mind of us old enough to remember the Presidential pursuits, we should categorize Reverend Jesse Jackson as one to be uplifted as a wonderful orator, following in the vein of W.E.B. Dubois & most obviously, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Even though we are still living as slaves in the 21st century, let us refrain from dwelling on Rev. Jackson's shortcomings as a leader & activist, but rather congratulate without hate. Keep the faith. Quit biting at the bait.
"Hold your head high, stick your chest out. You can make it. It gets dark sometimes, but morning comes. Keep hope alive."
--Reverend Jesse Jackson