Friday, January 20, 2006

Thank you God for strength.
Thank you God for power.
Thank you God for wisdom.
Thank you God for knowledge.
Creator of all things, thank you so very much for Fridays.

It's too bad that this country no longer honors the traditional work week. Many of us find ourselves slaving 24/7, in some capacity or another. No matter, Friday has a certain energy about it that does signal that a let down is near. Even though eye am usually forced to press my way through whatever break should exist, something about these mornings gives me the uumph to attack the day with such an intensity as eye would the last 100 yards of the 400 meter dash back in my track day.

Hopefully you will find your self just as motivated at this hour. Now is the place. Now is your future. Let's challenge one another to reach our full potential at this moment and each moment for the remainder of this career day. For those who are actually blessed enough to work a standard 9-5 with weekends off, take great advantage of this personal space. For those who will wake up tomorrow to do this all over again, see it as another chance to sculpt your professional & financial vision for your life.

Please remember my mother & mother-in-law in your prayers at this week's end. Know that we will send words up for you & yours. Kyle, hang in there!



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