The band had been introduced, and the final bow had been taken, yet even after Sade Adu & her 9-piece touring bunch had left the stage, the house lights in the FedEx Forum had not come up. As if that wasn't an obvious sign that the show wasn't over (imagine the lawsuits that could come from releasing thousands of patrons into the darkness), rows began to flock for the stairs & exit signs, apparently unaware of "encore etiquette". I felt for those who were about to miss out on the big finale due to their haste, because as a seasoned concert-goer, I knew what it was, so I waited with baited eardrums, like my life depended on it. After about 5 minutes of screams & cheers, she reappeared in a sleek red nightgown, as the music of Cherish the Day quickly filled the air. I was in sensory overload at this point, and was floored that I hadn't even missed that jam in the main line-up. It was the perfect ending, to the perfect show, as she stood on top of a skyscraper prop that rose about 10 feet from the floor, smoothly singing Memphis a midnight lullaby. She was so great o stage that I almost forgot the show started half an hour late. Once she opened with Soldier of Love, I was on the front lines (or at least on the front of my seat) for the duration.
That was pretty much how the whole show went, one surprise stage screen after another; one wardrobe change after another (thinking there were 5-7); one hit after another. What can I really say about Sade's performance other than it was a phenomenal show! I previously heard a few personal opinions from attendees in other cities about how remarkable her performance was, but it was truly something to be experienced. That's exactly what it was: The Sade Experience. The only thing that I would have requested if I had the chance would have been for her to play the guitar live. Other than that, I'm satisfied beyond measure.
And guess what? Someone loved you enough to upload the encore to youtube, so now you can share it with me! I literally screamed when I found this! HAHAHAHA! My kids came running to my aid thinking something was wrong. Not this time though, I was screaming because finding this means things are just TOO right!
by o
eye rip raps; on same microphones poetry.
eye balance formality with artistic integrity.
eye close deals, book shows, then pen prose.
eye cook meals before heading to post bills .
eye read to the youth; record to the beat.
eye flow, consult, lecture, teach & speak.
eye blog & tweet; send messages to senders.
eye fool to the internet; slave to lender.
eye write for the love.
eye fight for the write.
eye am a writer.
eye write.