Thursday, March 24, 2005

Ain't no slippin' goin' on...

Sorry for the lapse in local muse. This has been an incredibly busy week. BEGBORROWSTEEL dropped on Tuesday. You can only imagine the kinetics that surround such a project. This release afforded me the opportunity to work as Executive Producer. That means that besides making the music itself, facilitating every aspect of the record is my responsibility.

Hold on...

O.K. Had to run to get the morning nourishment in place for the kiddies. It's amazing how we go out of our way to break their fast, but most of us who parent hardly take the time to do the same. We begin our days with a sip of this or that; a nibble of this or that. This or that is not worth mentioning because we are all aware of those toxins, to which eye do not want to lend any more endorsement. Somebody around here smells like they have just passed his/her breakfast through. Phew!!! Gotta jet out back soon.


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