Monday, February 28, 2005


I think that Mr. Rogers used to sing that line. The music in my head tells me that's where it comes from. Anyhow, it is a great day to be her. Eye just checked out the Buck 65 site doing a little research. it a nice site!!! I really do love the simple design. It's palatable. I can't say that the music is familiar. Surely it's platable, too??? I hear that he kicks it around with our boy Dibbs.

To all those who came out to support us at the BEGBORROWSTEEL release performance, feel the love. We appreciate your loyalty [J.P, Shellie, Shellie W., Crisis, Biel, Cynthia, Georges, Koop, Art]!

"There Once Was A Daddy" is edited & in the can. Until the recording portion of Something to Cope is completed, the book will continue to grow. No point in saving this newer material for another work Now is the time. Eye am living out my dream!


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